Monday, December 14, 2009

Interim Austin Traffic Icon

Yesterday we submitted Austin Traffic version 2.3.1 to Apple for review. There are only a few changes; the main one being a new icon. Last week we were notified that the design of the University of Texas Tower, which is depicted in the application's icon, is trademarked. We were disappointed to find this out as the app icon was one of our favorite parts of the app! In order to resolve the infringement, we quickly modified the icon. Without an in-house graphic designer, this new "interim" icon leaves a lot to be desired. Don't worry, we will be working with a trained professional to get a better icon in place in the near future. We want something that is representative of Austin in some way and currently have an idea or two in mind, but you can leave a comment if you have a suggestion.


Stefan said...

What was picture/logo before? How about longhorn, a cowboy hat, or a car driving on a guitar!

Anonymous said...

I think the new icon should be a picture of the capitol building with the front arch replaced by a stoplight. The stoplight should have its red light lit since everyone knows that's the only color the lights ever are because of the incompetent traffic light planners.